00:04 [Musical interlude...] 00:08 Scholarly articles can be a bit intimidating and confusing to read. 00:12 Fortunately, this type of article is typically broken down into sections, and knowing a little bit more about these sections 00:20 will help you better understand the article. 00:25 The first section you should read is the abstract. 00:29 The abstract of an article is one of its most useful parts and is usually found on the first page. 00:36 It summarizes the article and gives you an idea of what to expect. 00:43 Next, jump down to the discussion section, which is usually found toward the end of the article. 00:49 The discussion section summarizes and gives insights on the results. 00:53 You may also see a section labeled as the conclusion, and if so, you will want to read that as well. 01:01 At this point, if you feel the article is relevant to your search, jump back to the beginning and read the introduction. 01:07 The introduction may include some background information and a literature review of the topic. 01:12 The author typically discusses other important studies conducted on the topic, 01:17 points out any gaps in coverage, 01:19 and then possibly lists how the research presented in this article is important or helpful. 01:27 The methods or methodology portion of the article explains the exact procedures followed when conducting the research. 01:35 The results portion of the article includes statistics or data obtained from the study. 01:41 At the very end of the article, you should find a list of references. 01:45 This list includes the sources of information that the researchers consulted while conducting their research. 01:52 This is a great place to look for additional articles about your topic. 01:56 Remember, read the abstract, discussion, and conclusion sections first. 02:02 If these sections do not include information that you think will help you with your work, move on to another article. 02:10 If you need more help with your research, please contact the Library and we will be glad to assist you. 02:17 [Musical interlude...]