Paragraph Styles [00:00:00.82] - So today's video is on Word 2010 and styles, and how to change the styles in Word 2010. Styles are predefined settings. For those of us that aren't artistic, you could go through the trouble of choosing a text effect, a font, a size, bold, italicized, whatever-- line spacing, all of that stuff. Or you could just trust somebody else's judgment and choose a pre-defined style. And that's what these three items are here, they're pre-defined styles. [00:00:41.62] And you can click up to go up or down, since I'm at the top, and scroll through all the different styles. And there are a total of 16. Because if you click this, this is the More button, it shows all 16. So since this is a title, I'm actually going to use title. And it's not centered, so I'm going to go ahead and center it as well. There we go. [00:01:07.05] Now to do the paragraph, I can actually go down here and choose one I like. Let's go with Intense quote. Intense quote's good. [00:01:27.26] All right, so I've chosen a style for my document. And now that I have, it will actually show that there's a yellow box around intense quote. If I click in the title, you can scroll up and see the box around title. So obviously this is a title format. [00:01:48.26] And you can choose among the 16 titles the 16 styles available here. Now, you can also make your own and then save the selection as a new quick style, if you click that. You get to call it whatever you want and modify it-- it pops up a new box. [00:02:10.79] There's a Clear Formatting button, which is the same as the clear formatting button over here. And Apply Styles button, which allows you to select text and apply a particular style. There's more than just 16 styles, though. [00:02:36.32] Because Word styles have changed over time, they included the old 2003 style set. This is Word 2010, but there's Word 2003, traditional, thatch-- there's a whole bunch of different styles. And as you can see, the title and the intense quote is different for each one of them. You can also reset styles from a template if you've messed with them. And reset them if you've messed with them. [00:03:11.12] And then save a quick style set if you want to save that and back them up. There you go. All right, and the reason why you would do such a thing is because you get the option to actually start changing the colors around. As you can see, there's a box around this office. But let's say I wanted to go more grayscale or adjacency-- whatever that is. [00:03:35.73] There's a whole different slew of colors. And you could spend a whole day just going through these colors or potentially making your own. And that was at the very bottom of that menu. [00:03:52.97] There's also fonts-- choose your own fonts or create new fonts. And it's going to ask you, what do you want your header font to be? And what do you want your body font to be? [00:04:06.24] There's also a paragraph spacing. Choose your own paragraph spacing or custom. And there's even a dialog box, which should pop-up as a sidebar, but I think I've got my window too small, and that's why. Yeah, there we go. It should show up as a side pane. You can make it pop up as a side pane if you throw it off to the side so that you could do quick selection of various styles so that you can do that and say, oh, I want this to be strong. There you go. Or emphasis. And then you can close the window by clicking the little x, and then it just goes back to the document. [00:05:03.65] So that's how you change styles in Word 2010. And if you want to know what the individual elements of styles are, there's plenty of text videos that I have to teach you how to do the individual elements of the style. Hopefully you've learned something for this. And thank you for watching.